Augusta Bethell, 1. Upper Hyde Park Gardens, London, to [John] Gibson

RA Collection: Archive

Archive context

Showing item 21 of 391 in this group

Reference code



Augusta Bethell, 1. Upper Hyde Park Gardens, London, to [John] Gibson


10 May [c.1860]



Extent & medium

1 piece

Historical Background

Edward Lear contemplated proposing to Augusta (Gussie) Bethell, daughter of the Lord Chancellor, in 1867, but at the last minute drew back, probably believing that once she knew of his illness, she would refuse to marry him [DNB.]

Content Description

Miss Bethell was enclosing her photograph, as promised. Each time she had called on Gibson at his studio in Rome he had been absent. She wished she were away from England, where the weather was "dull & wretched". She had seen Mr Lear on Sunday, who made many enquiries after Gibson, and all his other Roman friends.