A Plan
For forming an Institution for the Instruction of
In the Fine Arts Viz.
Drawing and Painting in all the different Classes, Painting, Transparent
Painting, Decorating of Rooms, Painting on Glass, China, and Velvet, also in
all kind of Paste=board works, and Varnishing.
Under the Tuition of
Miss Johanna Serres
(Daughter of the Late Celebrated Dominick Seres Esqr. R.A.
Marine Painter to His Majesty)
And Able Assistant.
To enable those who are not in affluent circumstances to obtain a sufficient
Knowledge of Drawing, and to qualify them as Professors, or Governesses, in the
families of the Nobility, or Teachers in Schools, this Plan is chiefly intended
to accomplish
The advantage resulting from those additions to the Education of
Females, will be found of the utmost benefit to Society.
First as Governesses in families, by possessing a knowledge of Drawing,
they may instruct their Pupils in that Art, without the Aid of a Master,
Secondly, as Teachers in Schools the attendance of Masters may be dispenced
with, and the Scholars will acquire a more rapid proficiency in consequence
of a greater portion of their time being dedicated to each Lesson than a
Master can spare, Besides the Instructor being in the house, no Lessons can
be lost, which frequently occurs by the non-attendance of Professional
Lastly, is it not more prudent, that the Instructor in Female Seminaries
should be confined to their own Sex?