By kind permission of the Master and
Wardens of the Painter's Company the next
Dinner will be held at the Painter's Hall,
9 Little Trinity Lane, E.C. 4 on Monday
May 1st at 7.15 for 7.30.
Dinner Jacket
As early notice is of great assistance
to those Guests who may be called upon to
speak I hope that Members who wish to
attend will be so good as to notify me as
soon as possible, together with the names
of their Guests but in any case not later
than April 27th without fail.
The costs of the Dinner, which should
be sent at the same time, is 12/6 for
Members and 25/- for guests.
If, after signifying their intention
to attend, Members find themselves
unable to do so, they are earnestly
requested to let me know not later than
April 27th.
Please note change of address of the
Hon. Sec.
End House,
Chiltern Road,
Chesham Bois,