W.P. Frith, 10 Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, to T. Miller

RA Collection: Archive

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W.P. Frith, 10 Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, to T. Miller


2 Jan 1853



Extent & medium

2 pieces

Content Description

Is as yet unable to move to his new painting room, so is working in the drawing room; news of Lloyd; discusses an old commission from Burchall; has doubts over completing his work for exhibition, it has enough figures for twenty pictures; has seen Mulready's picture, discusses his personality; hears great things of Hunt the PRB, Egg has seen his picture, Phillips says "he never saw light painted till now", mentions activities of Ward, Elmore, Egg, Phillips, Stone, Webster; met Topham at Dickens's at New Year, he wants to go to Spain.