Reference code
Wm. Lock, Florence, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, Russell Square, London
18 Mar 1821
Extent & medium
1 piece
Content Description
He thinks their account can be closed with a portrait of "Bessy"; he thanks Lawrence for taking care of his crates; he begs that Lawrence take the Leda immediately into his protection, but that he remember
Fuseli also has a claim, and he is old; he tried to find the picture of
Leonardo when he received the note from Caroline Angerstein, but it is buried under a pile of pictures from a room under repair; he was struck by the poor condition of the frescoes at the Vatican, in comparison to the sculpture, he believes there is no room for modern sculpture whereas pictures need to be renewed; but saying this,
Canova is in rude health and has just completed his best work, a Venus, his merit is recognised, "Fuseli's great genius will be a constant stigma in England".
Associated Material
PAD, 04/282, Rosso Fiorentino (attrib.), Leda and the Swan, after Michelangelo