G. Koch-Harnack, Erotische Symbole: Lotosblute und gemeinsamer Mantel auf antiken Vasen (1989); M.-L. Ryhiner, L'offrande du lotus dans les temples égyptiens (1986); H. Schlogl, Der Sonnengott auf der Blute: eine ägyptische Kosmogonie (1977); S. Morenz, Der Gott auf der Blume: eine ägyptische Kosmogonie und ihre weltweite Bildwirkung (1954); G. Buist, 'Notes on the lotus or sacred bean of India', in Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society, 13 (1857).
On botanic illustration see W. Blunt, The art of botanical illustration (1950; rev. 1994).
Summary Note
The text falls into three sections: pp.3-8. The Libyan Lotus (followed by four unnumbered pages of English translations of the classical quotations, and one plate); pp.[9]-12. Ægyptian Lotus (followed by four unnumbered pages of translations and 2 pl.); pp. [13]-16. Tamara (followed by two unnumbered pages of translations and 2 pl.). The text includes extensive quotations from Homer, Herodotus, Theophrastus, Polybius, Dioscorides, Arrian, Pliny, Prosper Alpinus, Dr. Shaw and Mungo Park. The ancient Greek quotations are printed in Greek letter.
The plates are captioned, and show: [1] Libyan Lotus (Rhamnus Lotus, Linn.), [2] Ægyptian Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus, Linn.), [3] Ambel of India (Nymphaea Lotus, Linn.), [4] Tamara of India (Cyamus Nelumbo, Dr. Smith), [5] Capsula of the Tamara with ripe seeds; Isis [shown seated on a capsula].
The plates are all hand-coloured.
RAA/PC/12/4, p.382. 5th Dec 1812. `Produced an unpublish'd work 'On the Lotus of the Ancients' by Richard Duppa Esq., which he requests the Academy to place in its Library.' `Order'd that the Secretary communicate to Mr. Duppa, the acknowledgements of the President & Council.'
Binding Note
20th-century half calf, marbled-papered boards; spine lettered 'Duppa On The Lotus'.
Flowers (plants) - Lotus
Botany - Greece - Rome - History
Botany - Great Britain - 19th century
Pictorial works - Hand coloring - Great Britain - 19th century