Raccolta Delle Più Celebri Pitture Esistenti Nella Città Di Siena Disegnate Ed Incise Da Valenti Artisti Con Illustrazioni

RA Collection: Book

Record number



Firenze: Presso Niccolò Pagni Fo. E Co., 1825.

Physical Description

[4], 86 p., [43] pl.; 671 mm.

General Note

Not all pages are numbered. The work appears to have been published serially, and some copies (including that of the Royal Academy) do not have the full complement of pages and plates.


[T.p.] - Notizie Generali Sulla Libreria Della Metropolitana Di Siena - Descrizione Del Primo (-Decimo) Quadro Della Libreria [with 10 pl.] - Descrizione [of other paintings, with pl.].

Responsibility Note

The plates carry the names of source-artists, draughtsmen and engravers. The draughtsmen were Luigi Boschi, Francesco Pieraccini or Giovanni Bruni. The engravers were Paolo Lasinio (or Lasinio Figlio), A. Verico, Giuseppe Rossi, Marco Zignani, Filippo Calendi or Massimiliano Capezzuoli.

Several plates carry the publishers' imprint - either that of Niccolo Pagni or that of Luigi Ricceri e Alessandro Bernardini.

Several plates carry their own dedications.

Summary Note

The title page carries the publication-date of 1825, but the work appears to have been published serially, and some plates carry later publication-dates (in the Royal Academy's copy, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1838).

The plates carry the names of their source-artists and most are captioned. They are on religious subjects. The Royal Academy's copy (lacking the full complement of plates) includes plates showing paintings by Raphael (1 pl.) or Raphael and Pinturicchio (9 pl.: Storia di Pio II), Brescianino (1 pl.: Madonna ed il Bambino), Perugino (1 pl.: Gesù Crocifisso), F. Vanni (1 pl.: Madonna con i santi), Ribera (1 pl.: S. Antonio Abate), Sodoma (4 pl.: Sacra Famiglia; Svenimento di S. Caterina; Adorazione de' Magi; Deposizione della Cruce), Jacopo Pacchiarotto (3 pl.: Natività di Maria; Madonna col Bambino; Ascensione), Alessandro Casolani (1 pl.: Natività di nostro Signore), Matteo di Giovanni (1 pl.: S. Barbara), Fra Bartolommeo (1 pl.: Gesù Crocifisso) and Astolfo Petrazzi (1 pl.: Comunione di S. Girolamo).

The locations of the pictures are given in the captions or in the accompanying letter-press. The first twelve are in the cathedral library; most of the others are stated to be in various Sienese churches.

Copy Note

Imperfect: has only fifty pages (the last numbered '74') and twenty-five plates. On the upper cover is pasted a lebel inscribed in ink in an unknown hand, 'The School of Siena Pinturicchio Pietro Perugino &c. &c.'.

Binding Note

19th-century half calf, red marbled-papered boards; rebacked in 20th century, black morocco spine-labels lettered 'Pitture Di Siena' and 'Il Pergamo Di Santa Croce'. Bound with one other.

Name as Subject


Bible, N.T., Gospels
Saints - Popes - Christian art and symbolism
Paintings, Italian - Italy - Siena - History - 15th century - 16th century - Renaissance
Pictorial works - Italy - 19th century


Niccolò Pagni, publisher
Luigi Boschi, draughtsman
Francesco Pieraccini, draughtsman
Giovanni Bruni, draughtsman
Giovanni Paolo Lasinio, engraver
Antonio Verico, engraver
Giuseppe Rossi, engraver
Marco Zignani, engraver
Filippo Calendi, engraver
Massimiliano Capezzuoli, engraver
Luigi Ricceri, publisher
Alessandro Bernardini
Raphael, source artist
Bernardino (di Betto) Pinturicchio, source artist
Sodoma, source artist
Giacomo Pacchiarotti, source artist
Ricceri e Bernardini, publisher