RA Collection: People and Organisations
Jacopo Tintoretto was born in Venice in 1519, and became the most prolific painter working in the city during the latter part of the 16th century. After receiving recognition in 1548 with a work commissioned by the Scuola Grande di S. Marco, Tintoretto left his mark on the city in the form of extensive decorations for the Doge’s Palace (1564–7) and the Scuola Grande di S. Rocco (1575–88). He also painted portraits of many prominent Venetians.
Tintoretto died in Venice in 1594, and is only recorded as having left Venice once, when he travelled to nearby Mantua to execute a commission in 1580. As a result he epitomizes Venetian art of the 16th century. Tintoretto’s distinctive style, characterized by a speed and lack of conventional finish, was controversial during his lifetime but has been the source of fascination and inspiration for more recent artists.
Born: 1518/19
Died: 1594
Gender: Male
Francesco Zanotto
Pinacoteca Della Imp. Reg. Accademia Veneta Delle Belle Arti Illustrata Da Francesco Zanotto - Venezia: [1834] (1830)
Varie Pitture A Fresco De' Principali maestri Veneziani Ora la prima volta con le stampe pubblicate. - In Venezia: [1760] [This issue 1778 or later]
Raccolta Di Opere Scelte Dipinte da Tiziano Vecellio, Antonio Regillo detto il Pordenone, Giacomo Robusti detto il Tintoretto, Paolo Calliari Veronese, Dario Varotari detto il Padoanino, Li Bassani, Giacomo Palma, Giuseppe Salviati, e varj altri celebri Maestri della Scola Veneziana, che fiorirono ne' tempi posteriori. Disegnate, ed Incise in parte Da Valentino Le Febre Di Bruxelles, ed in parte Da Silvestro Manaigo, e da Andrea Zucchi Veneti - In Venezia: [1786]
Carlo Ridolfi
Vita Di Giacopo Robusti Detto Il Tintoretto, Celebre Pittore Cittadino Venetiano. Fedelmente Descritta Da Carlo Ridolfi. Al Serenissimo Prencipe Francesco Erizzo, Et All'Eccellentissimo Senato Veneto. - In Venetia,
W.B. Richmond, Venice, to Julia Richmond
7 Sep 1866
Item RI/1/38
W.E. Frost, 9 Gunter Grove, Brompton, to T. Miller
18 Aug 1851
Item 236/18/9
T. Lawrence, Milan, to Miss Croft, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, London
9 Mar 1820
Item LAW/9/23
George Jones, Hotel de l'Europe, Venice, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, Russell Square, London
8 Nov 1829
Item LAW/5/396