RA Collection: People and Organisations
Founded in 1895 by Giovanni Tirani. The firm later became John Tiranti and Company, afterwards John Tiranti Ltd. Addresses: High Holborn; Foley St.; 13 Maple St. (destroyed by bomb in 1941).
Le Fabbriche Civili, Ecclesiastiche E Militari Di Michele Sanmicheli Disegnate Ed Incise Da Francesco Ronzani E Girolamo Luciolli Con Testo Illustrativo Riveduto Da Francesco Zanotto - Torino
George Gromort
Choix d'éléments empruntés à l'architecture classique : et donnant des exemples connus de l'application des ordres ... / 70 planches d'après les dessins et relevés de G. Gromort - Paris: 1920
Charles Le Brun
The passions of the soul, as they are expressed in the human countenance; shewing its various changes and appearances under the influence of different passions, Engraved in a manner which represents real drawings – almost as large as life. From the celebrated designs of Monsieur Le Brun, with extracts from his discourse on the passions, describing their influence on the features and muscles of the face - London: [n.d.] [after 1787]
Dexter Morand
The monumental and commercial architecture of Great Britain of the present day / Dexter Morand - London; New York: [1928]