James Fergusson, Kannari: Interior of Small Vihara

Kannari: Interior of Small Vihara

After James Fergusson (1808 - 1886)

RA Collection: Art

Kannari: Interior of Small Vihara
After James Fergusson (1808 - 1886)
Lithographed by
Thomas Colman Dibdin (1810 - 1893)
Printed by
Published by
John Weale (1791 - 1862)
J. Fergusson, Illustrations of the Rock Cut Temples of India, London 1845, pl.XIV
Object type
Tinted lithograph

328 mm x 253 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
This image is from a book

Illustrations Of The Rock-Cut Temples Of India: Selected From The Best Examples Of The Different Series Of Caves At Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, And Mahavellipore. Drawn On Stone By Mr. T.C. Dibdin, From Sketches Carefully Made On The Spot, With The Assistance Of The Camera-Lucida, In The Years 1838-9, By James Fergusson, Esq. - London:: [1845]

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