RA Collection: People and Organisations
Prince of Wales to 1649; King 1649-85, but in exile 1649-60.
Born: 1630
Died: 1685
Gender: Male
John Ogilby
The Entertainment Of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II, In His Passage through the City of London To His Coronation: Containing an exact Accompt of the whole Solemnity; the Triumphal Arches, and Cavalcade, delineated in Sculpture; the Speeches and Impresses illustrated from Antiquity. To These Is Added, A Brief Narrative of His Majestie's Solemn Coronation: With His Magnificent Proceeding, and Royal Feast In Westminster-Hall. By John Ogilby. - [1662]
William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle
Methode Et Invention Nouvelle De Dresser Les Chevaux Par Le Tres-Noble, Haut, Et Tres-Puissant Prince Guillaume Marquis Et Comte De Newcastle Vicomte De Mansfield, Baron De Bolsover Et Ogle; Seigneur De Cavendish, Bothel Et Hepwel; Pair D'Angleterre; Qui eut la charge & l'honneur d'étre Gouverneur du Serenissime Prince De Galles en sa jeunesse, maintenant Roy De La Grande-Bretagne; Lieutenant pour le Roy de la Comté de Nottingham, & de la Forest de Sherwwod; Capitaine general en toutes les Provinces outre la Riviere de Trent, & autres endroits du Royaume d'Angleterre; Gentil-homme de la Chambre du lit du Roy; Conseillier d'Etat & Privé; Chevalier du tres-noble Ordre de la Jartiere, &c. Oeuvre, auquel on apprend à travailler les chevaux selon la nature, & parfaire la nature par la subtilité de l'art; traduit de l'Anglois de l'Auteur, par son commandement, enrichy de plusieures belles Figures en taille douce. - A Anvers,: [1658]
Sir William Dugdale
The Baronage Of England, Or An Historical Account Of The Lives and most Memorable Actions Of Our English Nobility In the Saxons time, to the Norman Conquest; And from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's Reign. (Our English Nobility; Which had their Rise, after the end of King Henry the Third's Reign. And before the Eleventh Year of King Richard the Second.) (such of Our English Nobility, As had their Rise, from the Tenth year of King Richard the Second, Until This Present Year 1676.) - Deduced From Publick Records, Antient Historians, and other Authorities, By William Dugdale Norroy King of Arms. ... Tome the First. (Second) (Third.) - London: 1675. (1676.) (1676.)
Oxonia Illustrata, sive Omnium Celeberrimæ istius Universitatis Collegiorum, Aularum, Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ, Scholarum Publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani; nec non Urbis Totius Scenographia. Delineavit & Sculpsit Dav: Loggan Univ. Oxon. Chalcographus. - Oxoniæ: [1675]